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nike tn requin 2016 chaussure

aid Adidas product design sustainable recovery should start from the material science. "infinite" plan must be developed recycling material innovation, not only conducive to the automation of the production line, improve the design of free space. also can let all the materials can be recycled to the dismantling of new solid forming materials, and then add some recovery from other industrial materials, including the aviation industry recycling of carbon fiber. re construction of plastic forming new products, the production process does not use adhesive, to facilitate future re dismantling and recycling, Adidas said that the new production process that can create efficient and sustainable recycling products constantly.Messi said: "it's very proud of Adidas to make sure that every pair of shoes, including me. is made in a way that protects the environment. It's the future of football." provides customized services .

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