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nike free running 2016 pas cher Washington (reporter correspondent Pan Zhanhong Shao Haowei) the morning of November 22nd, as the Shishan stagnation point contact "sunshine? One dream" series of wish ambassador and vice chairman of Shishan Federation of trade unions together with Huang Yueping Zhen Wu Zhuang community resident direct team visited Mr. Qiao door difficult employee Fenghua Glass Co. Ltd., and round the micro aspiration for their daughter heat". a line into the Fenghua Glass Co., staff quarters, less than 30 square meters of the hostel, Mr. Qiao lived a family of four. "I really appreciate your care." Seeing so many people visit, Mr. Qiao grateful. Originally, he in 1993 after graduating from junior high school in Guizhou came to the village, has been working so far, and the formation of a family here, they have a daughter and a son, with his wife to work in Fenghua glass limited .

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