Spiritual Evolution: A Journey of Truth plus articles and information on Inspirational BORN OF BODY AND SPIRIT We are born of the body and of the Spirit. The soul dies to one body of existence and is born unto another. Death <a title="adidas trainers sale uk" href="http://www.originalstrainerssaleuk.com/">adidas trainers sale uk</a> , the illusion, carries no fear, as we die to the Holy of Holies daily, consciously and with exacting purpose. We, as Spirit-Humans, are in a perpetual state of transformation and transmutation. The Divine Self is a constant living expression of Universal wonders and ever-changing forms through evolutionary processes of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies that ascend through eternity as a spiraling source of sacred consciousness. In other words, we are alive and eternal through the sacred Will of G-d, The Creator; even unto death within this third dimensional reality. The Body Temple purifies unto ash and the Spirit ascends to the worlds beyond. There is no greater Truth and no higher freedom. This is <a title="nike air max 90 floral print" href="http://www.originalstrainerssaleuk.com/nike-air-max-90-print.html">nike air max 90 floral print</a> , indeed, a peace that goes beyond understanding and is eternal. Humanity's birthright on this earth is the process and progress toward the return to our most natural state, Spirit. The soul evolves through continual renewal and the promises of G-d are made manifest through the individual and collective soul(s) of humanity. This overlighting covenant cannot be broken. It is the birthright of all humanity without prejudice, emotional attachment or struggling mental gymnastics. The veil of unconsciousness and the 'trail of tears' due to unrealized, unfulfilled life purpose and spiritual vision may only hide this covenant. It cannot be distroyed. THE BRAIN AND THE MIND; IS THERE A DIFFERENCE? The realities of human experience go far beyond the physical and yet most of the world identifies with what they see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Ask yourself as a discerning measure, "Am I a one dimensional being or a multi-dimensional being? " Then ask yourself, "Am I greater than the sum of my body or my emotions or of my brain?" If you answered in the affirmative to these questions <a title="nike air max 90 premium black" href="http://www.originalstrainerssaleuk.com/nike-air-max-90-premium.html">nike air max 90 premium black</a> , then continue by asking yourself this potent question, "Do I know my Mind and is Mind something different than the physical organ we call the brain?" First of all, humanity must recognize through spiritual and scientific knowledge that each individual human is multi-dimensional as we 'live and breath and have our being' while simultaneously working within and between many levels of consciousness. This is the Transcendent Mind. The Transcendent Mind Consciousness is G-d Consciousness. As Humanity perates what is known as the 'cloud of knowable things' in the Acient Wisdom Teachings, we gain the mystical understanding of life. It is this understanding that we begin to consciously connect with the Source of all life-giving creation. We begin the cognizant journey of our birthright through a purification process as we meet the joys and challenges that arise out of the healing alignment between Spirit and matter. What a wondrous and inspiring spiritual pilgrimage as we begin to consiously understand the covenant of our birthright and the purpose of our lives on earth in this dynamic and critical time in Humanity's evolution. Let us seek the probabilities of distinguishing the human brain from the ever transcending and ascending Spirit-Mind. The brain is a physical organ that serves the Human Being in experiencing the mortal physical, emotional and mental levels of third dimensional life-form. The brain is a functional instrument of multiple voluntary and involuntary processes. It can be analogized to a puter. The brain stores information, calculates, objectifies, formulates responses or reactions and is the hard-drive that seeks pleasure, fears pain and disfort as it calculates the fruition of life experiences born of the soul. The Transcendent Mind or the "non-local mind," is a separate yet inclusive entity known as the Creative Life Force. "Non-local mind" is pure consciousness <a title="nike air max 90 hyperfuse uk" href="http://www.originalstrainerssaleuk.com/nike-air-max-90-hyperfuse.html">nike air max 90 hyperfuse uk</a> , unqualified and full of potentiality. It works directly in conjunction with the physical processes of the brain, yet it is not the brain. The creative force, the "Transcendent Mind, is the blue-print of perfection that permeates the life-giving power of G-d, the Creator of All life and defines the omnipresent Divinity as the Light of our purest nature. This Light in all its beauty and glory is synonymous with the Mind, the Creative Source, the consciousness of G-d within Humanity. THE MYSTERIES OF HUMAN NATURE & THE TRINITY All of nature, which includes sanctified Human, is the reflection of the Divine Presence. As the sanctified Human, we encounter <a title="nike air max 90 blue suede" href="http://www.originalstrainerssaleuk.com/nike-air-max-90-blue.html">nike air max 90 blue suede</a> , ponder and explore through the limitless Mind. What we begin to perceive with greater clarity is illuminated Knowledge that activates Spiritual Wisdom and Purifies all illusion. Living a life full of illusions separate us from the wedded Truth that all of life is connected and all of life is One with the Creator. Is life a mystery or is it a remembering? Is it both? Is it neither? Can these mysteries be taught or must humanity experience the mystical to actually know the sacred? Are we receiving from the Mind in full clarity or are the experiences of life, the woundedness we carry, the fear that paralyzes and the doubt that falls prey to what I call our Brain Filter, leave all humanity in chaos and confusion? The Brain Filter responds through the conscious and unconscious self-created life experiences that seem to loom so forebodingly across our lives and yet, in truth, we create experiences to learn, to expand and to reunite with Onesness. Our Brain Filters edge out the subtle yet greater power of the Mind and we find ourselves lost in a maze of confusion, illusion and living desperate lives without direction, purpose or prayer. We are creative consciousness utilizing the
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